This report summarizes newer versions that may be available for your project's various dependencies.
# of dependencies using the latest version available | 116 | |
# of dependencies where the next version available is smaller than an incremental version update | 0 | |
# of dependencies where the next version available is an incremental version update | 0 | |
# of dependencies where the next version available is a minor version update | 0 | |
# of dependencies where the next version available is a major version update | 0 |
Dependency Management
Status | Group Id | Artifact Id | Current Version | Scope | Classifier | Type | Next Version | Next Incremental | Next Minor | Next Major |
cglib | cglib | 3.3.0 | jar | |||||||
ch.qos.logback | logback-classic | 1.3.0-alpha4 | jar | |||||||
com.h2database | h2 | 1.4.199 | jar | |||||||
com.hack23.cia | testfoundation | 2019.9.15-SNAPSHOT | test | jar | ||||||
com.ibm.icu | icu4j | 64.2 | jar | |||||||
com.sun.xml.bind | jaxb-impl | 2.3.2 | jar | |||||||
com.sun.xml.bind | jaxb-xjc | 2.3.2 | jar | |||||||
com.thoughtworks.xstream | xstream | | jar | |||||||
commons-beanutils | commons-beanutils | 1.9.4 | jar | |||||||
commons-codec | commons-codec | 1.13 | jar | |||||||
commons-collections | commons-collections | 3.2.2.redhat-2 | jar | |||||||
commons-io | commons-io | 2.6 | jar | |||||||
commons-lang | commons-lang | 2.6.0.redhat-7 | jar | |||||||
commons-net | commons-net | 3.6 | jar | |||||||
javax.xml.bind | jaxb-api | 2.4.0 | jar | |||||||
jfree | jcommon | 1.0.16 | jar | |||||||
jfree | jfreechart | 1.0.13 | jar | |||||||
joda-time | joda-time | 2.10.3 | jar | |||||||
junit | junit | 4.13-beta-3 | jar | |||||||
net.sf.trove4j | trove4j | 3.0.3 | jar | |||||||
org.apache.ant | ant | 1.10.7 | jar | |||||||
org.apache.commons | commons-lang3 | 3.9 | jar | |||||||
org.apache.httpcomponents | httpclient | 4.5.10 | jar | |||||||
org.apache.lucene | lucene-analyzers-phonetic | 8.2.0 | jar | |||||||
org.apache.lucene | lucene-core | 8.2.0 | jar | |||||||
org.apache.poi | poi | 4.1.0 | jar | |||||||
org.apache.poi | poi-ooxml | 4.1.0 | jar | |||||||
org.apache.poi | poi-scratchpad | 4.1.0 | jar | |||||||
org.apache.xmlbeans | xmlbeans | 3.1.0 | jar | |||||||
org.aspectj | aspectjrt | 1.9.4 | jar | |||||||
org.aspectj | aspectjweaver | 1.9.4 | jar | |||||||
org.codehaus.jackson | jackson-core-asl | 1.9.13.redhat-4 | jar | |||||||
org.codehaus.plexus | plexus-utils | 3.2.1 | jar | |||||||
org.dbunit | dbunit | 2.6.0 | jar | |||||||
org.hibernate | hibernate-entitymanager | 5.4.4.Final | jar | |||||||
org.hibernate.validator | hibernate-validator | 6.1.0.Alpha6 | jar | |||||||
org.javassist | javassist | 3.25.0-GA | jar | |||||||
org.jboss.logging | jboss-logging | 3.4.1.Final | jar | |||||||
org.json | json | 20190722 | jar | |||||||
org.jvnet.hyperjaxb3 | hyperjaxb3-ejb-roundtrip | 0.6.2 | jar | |||||||
org.jvnet.hyperjaxb3 | hyperjaxb3-ejb-runtime | 0.6.2 | jar | |||||||
org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons | jaxb2-basics-runtime | 0.12.0 | jar | |||||||
org.ow2.asm | asm-tree | 7.2-beta | jar | |||||||
org.slf4j | jcl-over-slf4j | 2.0.0-alpha0 | jar | |||||||
org.slf4j | log4j-over-slf4j | 2.0.0-alpha0 | jar | |||||||
org.slf4j | slf4j-api | 2.0.0-alpha0 | jar | |||||||
org.springframework | spring-aspects | 5.2.0.RC2 | jar | |||||||
org.springframework | spring-beans | 5.2.0.RC2 | jar | |||||||
org.springframework | spring-context | 5.2.0.RC2 | jar | |||||||
org.springframework | spring-context-support | 5.2.0.RC2 | jar | |||||||
org.springframework | spring-expression | 5.2.0.RC2 | jar | |||||||
org.springframework | spring-jdbc | 5.2.0.RC2 | jar | |||||||
org.springframework | spring-jms | 5.2.0.RC2 | jar | |||||||
org.springframework | spring-orm | 5.2.0.RC2 | jar | |||||||
org.springframework | spring-oxm | 5.2.0.RC2 | jar | |||||||
org.springframework | spring-test | 5.2.0.RC2 | jar | |||||||
org.springframework.security | spring-security-config | 5.2.0.RC1 | jar | |||||||
Status | Group Id | Artifact Id | Current Version | Scope | Classifier | Type | Next Version | Next Incremental | Next Minor | Next Major |
Status | Group Id | Artifact Id | Current Version | Scope | Classifier | Type | Next Version | Next Incremental | Next Minor | Next Major |
antlr | antlr | 2.7.7.redhat-7 | compile | jar | ||||||
com.amazonaws | aws-java-sdk-secretsmanager | 1.11.631 | compile | jar | ||||||
com.amazonaws.secretsmanager | aws-secretsmanager-jdbc | 1.0.2 | compile | jar | ||||||
com.fasterxml | classmate | 1.5.0 | compile | jar | ||||||
com.fasterxml.jackson.core | jackson-databind | 2.10.0.pr2 | compile | jar | ||||||
com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat | jackson-dataformat-cbor | 2.10.0.pr2 | compile | jar | ||||||
com.github.virtuald | curvesapi | 1.06 | compile | jar | ||||||
com.google.code.gson | gson | 2.8.5 | compile | jar | ||||||
com.google.guava | guava | 28.1-jre | compile | jar | ||||||
com.hack23.cia | service.data.api | 2019.9.15-SNAPSHOT | compile | jar | ||||||
com.sun.istack | istack-commons-runtime | 3.0.8 | compile | jar | ||||||
com.sun.mail | javax.mail | 1.6.2 | compile | jar | ||||||
io.github.classgraph | classgraph | 4.8.47 | compile | jar | ||||||
io.netty | netty-buffer | 4.1.41.Final | compile | jar | ||||||
io.netty | netty-codec | 4.1.41.Final | compile | jar | ||||||
io.netty | netty-codec-http | 4.1.41.Final | compile | jar | ||||||
io.netty | netty-common | 4.1.41.Final | compile | jar | ||||||
io.netty | netty-handler | 4.1.41.Final | compile | jar | ||||||
io.netty | netty-resolver | 4.1.41.Final | compile | jar | ||||||
io.netty | netty-transport | 4.1.41.Final | compile | jar | ||||||
jakarta.activation | jakarta.activation-api | 1.2.1 | compile | jar | ||||||
javax.annotation | javax.annotation-api | 1.3.2 | compile | jar | ||||||
javax.cache | cache-api | 1.1.1 | compile | jar | ||||||
javax.el | javax.el-api | 3.0.0 | provided | jar | ||||||
javax.persistence | javax.persistence-api | 2.2 | compile | jar | ||||||
net.bytebuddy | byte-buddy | 1.10.1 | compile | jar | ||||||
org.apache.commons | commons-collections4 | 4.4 | compile | jar | ||||||
org.apache.commons | commons-dbcp2 | 2.7.0 | compile | jar | ||||||
org.apache.commons | commons-pool2 | 2.7.0 | compile | jar | ||||||
org.apache.httpcomponents | httpcore | 4.4.12 | compile | jar | ||||||
org.apache.lucene | lucene-backward-codecs | 8.2.0 | compile | jar | ||||||
org.apache.lucene | lucene-facet | 8.2.0 | compile | jar | ||||||
org.apache.lucene | lucene-memory | 8.2.0 | compile | jar | ||||||
org.apache.lucene | lucene-misc | 8.2.0 | compile | jar | ||||||
org.apache.lucene | lucene-queryparser | 8.2.0 | compile | jar | ||||||
org.ehcache | ehcache | 3.8.1 | compile | jar | ||||||
org.glassfish.web | javax.el | 2.2.6 | provided | jar | ||||||
org.hibernate | hibernate-java8 | 5.4.4.Final | compile | jar | ||||||
org.hibernate | hibernate-jcache | 5.4.4.Final | compile | jar | ||||||
org.hibernate.common | hibernate-commons-annotations | 5.1.0.Final | compile | jar | ||||||
org.hibernate.search | hibernate-search-backend-lucene | 6.0.0.Alpha9 | compile | jar | ||||||
org.hibernate.search | hibernate-search-mapper-orm | 6.0.0.Alpha9 | compile | jar | ||||||
org.javers | javers-spring-jpa | 5.7.2 | compile | jar | ||||||
org.jboss | jandex | 2.1.1.Final | compile | jar | ||||||
org.jboss | jboss-transaction-spi | 7.6.0.Final-redhat-1 | compile | jar | ||||||
org.jboss.narayana.arjunacore | arjuna | 5.9.8.Final | compile | jar | ||||||
org.jboss.narayana.arjunacore | txoj | 5.9.8.Final | compile | jar | ||||||
org.jboss.narayana.jta | jdbc | 5.9.8.Final | compile | jar | ||||||
org.jboss.narayana.jta | jms | 5.9.8.Final | compile | jar | ||||||
org.jboss.narayana.jta | jta | 5.9.8.Final | compile | jar | ||||||
org.jboss.narayana.jts | narayana-jts-integration | 5.9.8.Final | compile | jar | ||||||
org.liquibase | liquibase-core | 3.8.0 | compile | jar | ||||||
org.picocontainer | picocontainer | 2.15 | compile | jar | ||||||
org.polyjdbc | polyjdbc | 0.7.6 | compile | jar | ||||||
org.postgresql | postgresql | 42.2.8 | compile | jar | ||||||
org.springframework | spring-aop | 5.2.0.RC2 | compile | jar | ||||||
org.springframework.data | spring-data-commons | 2.2.0.RC3 | compile | jar | ||||||
org.yaml | snakeyaml | 1.25 | compile | jar | ||||||
software.amazon.ion | ion-java | 1.5.0 | compile | jar | ||||||
Status | Group Id | Artifact Id | Current Version | Scope | Classifier | Type | Next Version | Next Incremental | Next Minor | Next Major |
Dependency Updates
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | antlr |
Artifact Id | antlr |
Current Version | 2.7.7.redhat-7 |
Scope | compile |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | cglib |
Artifact Id | cglib |
Current Version | 3.3.0 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | ch.qos.logback |
Artifact Id | logback-classic |
Current Version | 1.3.0-alpha4 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | com.amazonaws |
Artifact Id | aws-java-sdk-secretsmanager |
Current Version | 1.11.631 |
Scope | compile |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | com.amazonaws.secretsmanager |
Artifact Id | aws-secretsmanager-jdbc |
Current Version | 1.0.2 |
Scope | compile |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | com.fasterxml |
Artifact Id | classmate |
Current Version | 1.5.0 |
Scope | compile |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | com.fasterxml.jackson.core |
Artifact Id | jackson-databind |
Current Version | 2.10.0.pr2 |
Scope | compile |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat |
Artifact Id | jackson-dataformat-cbor |
Current Version | 2.10.0.pr2 |
Scope | compile |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | com.github.virtuald |
Artifact Id | curvesapi |
Current Version | 1.06 |
Scope | compile |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | com.google.code.gson |
Artifact Id | gson |
Current Version | 2.8.5 |
Scope | compile |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | com.google.guava |
Artifact Id | guava |
Current Version | 28.1-jre |
Scope | compile |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | com.h2database |
Artifact Id | h2 |
Current Version | 1.4.199 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | com.hack23.cia |
Artifact Id | service.data.api |
Current Version | 2019.9.15-SNAPSHOT |
Scope | compile |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | com.hack23.cia |
Artifact Id | testfoundation |
Current Version | 2019.9.15-SNAPSHOT |
Scope | test |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | com.ibm.icu |
Artifact Id | icu4j |
Current Version | 64.2 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | com.sun.istack |
Artifact Id | istack-commons-runtime |
Current Version | 3.0.8 |
Scope | compile |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | com.sun.mail |
Artifact Id | javax.mail |
Current Version | 1.6.2 |
Scope | compile |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | com.sun.xml.bind |
Artifact Id | jaxb-impl |
Current Version | 2.3.2 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | com.sun.xml.bind |
Artifact Id | jaxb-xjc |
Current Version | 2.3.2 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | com.thoughtworks.xstream |
Artifact Id | xstream |
Current Version | |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | commons-beanutils |
Artifact Id | commons-beanutils |
Current Version | 1.9.4 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | commons-codec |
Artifact Id | commons-codec |
Current Version | 1.13 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | commons-collections |
Artifact Id | commons-collections |
Current Version | 3.2.2.redhat-2 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | commons-io |
Artifact Id | commons-io |
Current Version | 2.6 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | commons-lang |
Artifact Id | commons-lang |
Current Version | 2.6.0.redhat-7 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | commons-net |
Artifact Id | commons-net |
Current Version | 3.6 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | io.github.classgraph |
Artifact Id | classgraph |
Current Version | 4.8.47 |
Scope | compile |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | io.netty |
Artifact Id | netty-buffer |
Current Version | 4.1.41.Final |
Scope | compile |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | io.netty |
Artifact Id | netty-codec |
Current Version | 4.1.41.Final |
Scope | compile |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | io.netty |
Artifact Id | netty-codec-http |
Current Version | 4.1.41.Final |
Scope | compile |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | io.netty |
Artifact Id | netty-common |
Current Version | 4.1.41.Final |
Scope | compile |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | io.netty |
Artifact Id | netty-handler |
Current Version | 4.1.41.Final |
Scope | compile |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | io.netty |
Artifact Id | netty-resolver |
Current Version | 4.1.41.Final |
Scope | compile |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | io.netty |
Artifact Id | netty-transport |
Current Version | 4.1.41.Final |
Scope | compile |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | jakarta.activation |
Artifact Id | jakarta.activation-api |
Current Version | 1.2.1 |
Scope | compile |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | javax.annotation |
Artifact Id | javax.annotation-api |
Current Version | 1.3.2 |
Scope | compile |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | javax.cache |
Artifact Id | cache-api |
Current Version | 1.1.1 |
Scope | compile |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | javax.el |
Artifact Id | javax.el-api |
Current Version | 3.0.0 |
Scope | provided |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | javax.persistence |
Artifact Id | javax.persistence-api |
Current Version | 2.2 |
Scope | compile |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | javax.xml.bind |
Artifact Id | jaxb-api |
Current Version | 2.4.0 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | jfree |
Artifact Id | jcommon |
Current Version | 1.0.16 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | jfree |
Artifact Id | jfreechart |
Current Version | 1.0.13 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | joda-time |
Artifact Id | joda-time |
Current Version | 2.10.3 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | junit |
Artifact Id | junit |
Current Version | 4.13-beta-3 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | net.bytebuddy |
Artifact Id | byte-buddy |
Current Version | 1.10.1 |
Scope | compile |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | net.sf.trove4j |
Artifact Id | trove4j |
Current Version | 3.0.3 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.apache.ant |
Artifact Id | ant |
Current Version | 1.10.7 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.apache.commons |
Artifact Id | commons-collections4 |
Current Version | 4.4 |
Scope | compile |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.apache.commons |
Artifact Id | commons-dbcp2 |
Current Version | 2.7.0 |
Scope | compile |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.apache.commons |
Artifact Id | commons-lang3 |
Current Version | 3.9 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.apache.commons |
Artifact Id | commons-pool2 |
Current Version | 2.7.0 |
Scope | compile |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.apache.httpcomponents |
Artifact Id | httpclient |
Current Version | 4.5.10 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.apache.httpcomponents |
Artifact Id | httpcore |
Current Version | 4.4.12 |
Scope | compile |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.apache.lucene |
Artifact Id | lucene-analyzers-phonetic |
Current Version | 8.2.0 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.apache.lucene |
Artifact Id | lucene-backward-codecs |
Current Version | 8.2.0 |
Scope | compile |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.apache.lucene |
Artifact Id | lucene-core |
Current Version | 8.2.0 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.apache.lucene |
Artifact Id | lucene-facet |
Current Version | 8.2.0 |
Scope | compile |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.apache.lucene |
Artifact Id | lucene-memory |
Current Version | 8.2.0 |
Scope | compile |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.apache.lucene |
Artifact Id | lucene-misc |
Current Version | 8.2.0 |
Scope | compile |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.apache.lucene |
Artifact Id | lucene-queryparser |
Current Version | 8.2.0 |
Scope | compile |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.apache.poi |
Artifact Id | poi |
Current Version | 4.1.0 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.apache.poi |
Artifact Id | poi-ooxml |
Current Version | 4.1.0 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.apache.poi |
Artifact Id | poi-scratchpad |
Current Version | 4.1.0 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.apache.xmlbeans |
Artifact Id | xmlbeans |
Current Version | 3.1.0 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.aspectj |
Artifact Id | aspectjrt |
Current Version | 1.9.4 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.aspectj |
Artifact Id | aspectjweaver |
Current Version | 1.9.4 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.codehaus.jackson |
Artifact Id | jackson-core-asl |
Current Version | 1.9.13.redhat-4 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.codehaus.plexus |
Artifact Id | plexus-utils |
Current Version | 3.2.1 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.dbunit |
Artifact Id | dbunit |
Current Version | 2.6.0 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.ehcache |
Artifact Id | ehcache |
Current Version | 3.8.1 |
Scope | compile |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.glassfish.web |
Artifact Id | javax.el |
Current Version | 2.2.6 |
Scope | provided |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.hibernate |
Artifact Id | hibernate-entitymanager |
Current Version | 5.4.4.Final |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.hibernate |
Artifact Id | hibernate-java8 |
Current Version | 5.4.4.Final |
Scope | compile |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.hibernate |
Artifact Id | hibernate-jcache |
Current Version | 5.4.4.Final |
Scope | compile |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.hibernate.common |
Artifact Id | hibernate-commons-annotations |
Current Version | 5.1.0.Final |
Scope | compile |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.hibernate.search |
Artifact Id | hibernate-search-backend-lucene |
Current Version | 6.0.0.Alpha9 |
Scope | compile |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.hibernate.search |
Artifact Id | hibernate-search-mapper-orm |
Current Version | 6.0.0.Alpha9 |
Scope | compile |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.hibernate.validator |
Artifact Id | hibernate-validator |
Current Version | 6.1.0.Alpha6 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.javassist |
Artifact Id | javassist |
Current Version | 3.25.0-GA |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.javers |
Artifact Id | javers-spring-jpa |
Current Version | 5.7.2 |
Scope | compile |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.jboss |
Artifact Id | jandex |
Current Version | 2.1.1.Final |
Scope | compile |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.jboss |
Artifact Id | jboss-transaction-spi |
Current Version | 7.6.0.Final-redhat-1 |
Scope | compile |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.jboss.logging |
Artifact Id | jboss-logging |
Current Version | 3.4.1.Final |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.jboss.narayana.arjunacore |
Artifact Id | arjuna |
Current Version | 5.9.8.Final |
Scope | compile |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.jboss.narayana.arjunacore |
Artifact Id | txoj |
Current Version | 5.9.8.Final |
Scope | compile |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.jboss.narayana.jta |
Artifact Id | jdbc |
Current Version | 5.9.8.Final |
Scope | compile |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.jboss.narayana.jta |
Artifact Id | jms |
Current Version | 5.9.8.Final |
Scope | compile |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.jboss.narayana.jta |
Artifact Id | jta |
Current Version | 5.9.8.Final |
Scope | compile |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.jboss.narayana.jts |
Artifact Id | narayana-jts-integration |
Current Version | 5.9.8.Final |
Scope | compile |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.json |
Artifact Id | json |
Current Version | 20190722 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.jvnet.hyperjaxb3 |
Artifact Id | hyperjaxb3-ejb-roundtrip |
Current Version | 0.6.2 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.jvnet.hyperjaxb3 |
Artifact Id | hyperjaxb3-ejb-runtime |
Current Version | 0.6.2 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons |
Artifact Id | jaxb2-basics-runtime |
Current Version | 0.12.0 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.liquibase |
Artifact Id | liquibase-core |
Current Version | 3.8.0 |
Scope | compile |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.ow2.asm |
Artifact Id | asm-tree |
Current Version | 7.2-beta |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.picocontainer |
Artifact Id | picocontainer |
Current Version | 2.15 |
Scope | compile |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.polyjdbc |
Artifact Id | polyjdbc |
Current Version | 0.7.6 |
Scope | compile |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.postgresql |
Artifact Id | postgresql |
Current Version | 42.2.8 |
Scope | compile |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.slf4j |
Artifact Id | jcl-over-slf4j |
Current Version | 2.0.0-alpha0 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.slf4j |
Artifact Id | log4j-over-slf4j |
Current Version | 2.0.0-alpha0 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.slf4j |
Artifact Id | slf4j-api |
Current Version | 2.0.0-alpha0 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.springframework |
Artifact Id | spring-aop |
Current Version | 5.2.0.RC2 |
Scope | compile |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.springframework |
Artifact Id | spring-aspects |
Current Version | 5.2.0.RC2 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.springframework |
Artifact Id | spring-beans |
Current Version | 5.2.0.RC2 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.springframework |
Artifact Id | spring-context |
Current Version | 5.2.0.RC2 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.springframework |
Artifact Id | spring-context-support |
Current Version | 5.2.0.RC2 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.springframework |
Artifact Id | spring-expression |
Current Version | 5.2.0.RC2 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.springframework |
Artifact Id | spring-jdbc |
Current Version | 5.2.0.RC2 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.springframework |
Artifact Id | spring-jms |
Current Version | 5.2.0.RC2 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.springframework |
Artifact Id | spring-orm |
Current Version | 5.2.0.RC2 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.springframework |
Artifact Id | spring-oxm |
Current Version | 5.2.0.RC2 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.springframework |
Artifact Id | spring-test |
Current Version | 5.2.0.RC2 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.springframework.data |
Artifact Id | spring-data-commons |
Current Version | 2.2.0.RC3 |
Scope | compile |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.springframework.security |
Artifact Id | spring-security-config |
Current Version | 5.2.0.RC1 |
Scope | |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | org.yaml |
Artifact Id | snakeyaml |
Current Version | 1.25 |
Scope | compile |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |
Status | No newer versions available. |
Group Id | software.amazon.ion |
Artifact Id | ion-java |
Current Version | 1.5.0 |
Scope | compile |
Classifier | |
Type | jar |