Developer Guide

This developer's guide provides documentation on how to build,deploy & test the application. But also to encourage Hacktivism and give people enough knowledge on how to develop their own web applications using Maven, Hibernate, Spring & Vaadin.


To build and run the Citizen Intelligence Agency you need to install the following software.

Getting the Source Code

The source can be checked out anonymously from SVN with this command:

$ git clone

Setting up the postgresql database user

The command below describes how you setup an database user that will be used by the application.

Use the commandline to access postgresql or through pgAdmin3. > sudo su - postgres > psql

postgres=# CREATE USER eris WITH password 'discord';

postgres=# CREATE DATABASE cia_dev;

postgres=# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE cia_dev to eris;

Build the application & run test

Now everything should be ready for you to build the application, execute the following commands to build & run

$ cd cia/citizen-intelligence-agency

$ ant clean-install-notest

$ ant run

Test Citizen Intelligence Agency

Now if everything has started successfully you should be able to view Citizen Intelligence Agency at http://localhost:8080/cia/

Eclipse development

Install the latest version of Eclipse .